All TCOM system byproducts have been tested by independent laboratories in Hawaii and the U.S. Mainland. Test results are available on request.

Charcoal is familiar to families all over the world. It is an essential ingredient at barbecues and as a standard fuel source for heating and cooking in developing countries nearly everywhere.
Charcoal used as a soil amendment is often known as biochar. The University of Hawaii College of Agriculture and Human Resources has found that TCOM-produced biochar can increase soil productivity by 20 – 200%.

Activated Carbon/Activated Charcoal
Activated carbons are essential for industrial, commercial, and domestic filtration. It is used in machinery, water filters, and chemical processes.
The retention properties of their porous surfaces also make them an excellent productivity enhancing soil amendment, where their performance may surpass that of standard biochars.

Fuels produced by the TCOM process can be used to run generators to create electrical energy. Because fuels not immediately used can be stored for later use, TCOM-generated electricity is baseline power. TCOM generated power requires comparatively little space. For instance, a 3 megawatt TCOM plant can be housed in a building with a footprint no larger than 8,000 square feet.

Solid carbons are valued for manufacture. Much of what we use, including much of our clothing, household and commercial items, construction materials, equipment, vehicles, and aircraft contain carbons.

Liquid Fuels
TCOM produces clean-burning synthetic diesel- and kerosene-equivalent liquid fuels with high energy content and high octane and cetane ratings. Depending on intended use, diesel equivalents can be used drop-in ready or as blends to power machinery, marine vessels, on- and off-road vehicles, and jet aircraft.
Gaseous Fuels (“Syngas”)
Gaseous fuels are a mixture of methane, propane, and lighter gases. They can be fed as they are produced directly into variable speed generators to power the TCOM process or stored for future or external uses.