Michael Lurvey
Michael is the inventor and President of Phionex Carbon, LLC formaly known and Incorporated in 2010 as Carbon Geo-Tek where the development of an innovative containerized waste reduction and conversion technology called TCOM designed to convert most organic and hydrocarbon solids into value added commercial-grade products. The TCOM is a USA patented system, which is abbreviated from “Thermal Conversion of Organic Material”. It is a closed loop hybrid thermochemical process which combines elements of Flash Carbonization, Gasification, Pyrolysis, Pressurization and the use of Catalysts. TCOM systems are modularly designed and scalable to meet multiple feedstock processing and / or energy output requirements. TCOM can be configured as stationary, portable, or completely mobile systems to meet a variety of operational needs to eliminate waste and converting it into commercially viable products for improved public health, robust natural life systems, disaster preparedness, food security and sustainable economic development that is community based, self reliant and distributive in design.