Kenneth Ostebo
Founder/CEO and Chairman Sustainable Ocean Systems:
Ken is one of the maritime industry’s acknowledged experts in deep-water commercial operations. His 36 years of experience include vessel ownership and operations of large commercial Alaskan crab fishing vessels, as well as technology design and engineering to process and freeze their crab products for market. Ken was also one of the original participants in 2005 Discovery Channel Docu-drama “America’s Deadliest
Catch”. In 2006 as President and CEO of DOHawaii Maritime Inc, he spearheaded the testing, certification, and commercialization of the world’s first at-sea, deep ocean water harvesting and processing operation and implemented the engineering and design expansion from 100,000 to 1 million gallons per day capacity which lead to the design of the “Coastal Water Factory”. Ken is currently working with UH Manoa PBC global breadfruit initiative as a technology partner, senior advisor to two non profits on the east coast. Active Disabled Americans, 4ADA.og and ConchRepublicMarineArmy.org,both foundations committed to the social, environmental, and economic importance of their respective foundations within their communities .